Tikhiy Don,And Quiet Flows the Don,静静的顿河 Тихий Дон...
鬼战车T-34云雀,Zhavoronok,鬼战车T-34 Жаворонок...
盾与剑·第四部Shchit i mech,The Shield and the Sword,盾与剑 Щит и Меч...
盾与剑·第三部Shchit i mech,The Shield and the Sword,盾与剑 Щит и Меч...
盾与剑·第二部Shchit i mech,The Shield and the Sword,盾与剑 Щит и Меч...
盾与剑·第一部Shchit i mech,The Shield and the Sword,盾与剑 Щит и Меч...
伊万的童年伊凡的少年时代(台),伊凡的童年,伊凡的童年时代,Ivanovo detstvo,Ivan’s Childhood,伊万的童年 Иваново детство...
日瓦戈医生济瓦格医生(港),齐瓦哥医生(台),齐瓦格医生,日瓦格医生,日瓦戈医生 Doctor Zhivago...
雁南飞战争与贞操 / 仙鹤飞翔 / 鹤之舞 / Letyat zhuravli / The Cranes Are Flying...
攻克柏林Padeniye Berlina / The Fall of Berlin...
列宁在十月列宁在十月 / Lenin in October...
丛林战士Chuzhaya voyna / 大兵逆襲...
音乐家The Composer...
恰巴耶夫夏伯阳 / Chapaev...
烈日阳光Hot Sunlight / Solntsepyok / Солнцепек / Hotsunlight...
战争天堂见地狱见天堂(港) / 寻找天堂的3个人(台) / 寻找天堂的三个人 / Ray / Paradise...
古墓迷途2我们来自未来2 / We Are from the Future 2...