Ning mung hoh lok / Teenage Dreamers...
柠檬可乐国语Ning mung hoh lok / Teenage Dreamers...
流星语The Kid...
我愿意1985追女二人组 / I Do...
最佳拍档3:女皇密令国语Aces Go Places III: Our Man from Bond Street...
最佳拍档2:大显神通国语Aces Go Places II / Mad Mission II...
捉鬼大师抓鬼大师(台) / Vampire Buster...
叻女正传(国语)Sexy Career Girls...
叻女正传(粤语)Sexy Career Girls...
男人如衣服(国语)男人如衣 / Love is. . .Pyjamas...
甜丝丝My Sweetie...
人间色相Love and Sex Among the Ruins...
新半斤八两(国语)Front Page...
新半斤八两Front Page...
天才与白痴1997Ah Fai, the Dumb / Genius and the Idiot...
精灵变Banana Spirit...
僵尸至尊灵幻家族(台) / The Ultimate Vampire...