The Romancing Star III...
整蛊王Tricky Business...
忠义群英国语七福将(台) / Seven Warriors...
最后胜利粤语Final Victory...
最后胜利国语Final Victory...
最佳拍档2:大显神通粤语Aces Go Places II / Mad Mission II...
猪标一族霹雳狐 / Best Friend of the Cops...
最佳拍档3:女皇密令粤语Aces Go Places III: Our Man from Bond Street...
红粉至尊Queen's High...
倩女幽魂粤语倩女幽魂(87版) / 倩女幽魂:妖魔道 / A Chinese Ghost Story...
奇迹粤语替身的传说 / Mr. Canton and Lady Rose / The Canton Godfather / Black Dragon / Miracles...
惊天12小时惊天十二小时 / The Last Blood / Hard Boiled 2 / Twelve Hours to Die...
江湖奇兵江湖奇侠 / 江湖渣Fit人 / Hidden Hero / A Hidden Hero / Gong wu kei bing...
落难夫妻Honeymoon in Jakarta...
执法先锋粤语Righting Wrongs...
孽债迷情Debt Lover...
缘份粤语Behind the Yellow Line / 缘分...