Poe’s Tales of Terror,爱伦坡怪谈 Tales of Terror...
致命佈局(台),A Deadly Deed...
来自多伦多的男人,多伦多来的男人 The Man from Toronto...
伦敦间谍战,伊普克雷斯档案 The Ipcress File...
48小时,四十八小时 Went the Day Well?...
无需敲门 Don't Bother to Knock1952,无需敲门 Don't Bother to Knock...
大败罗美尔(港),五墓行动,5 Graves to Cairo,开罗谍报战 Five Graves to Cairo...
姐妹情仇,宝贝简怎么了,兰闺惊变 What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?...
冷战间谍网,伦敦间谍战 The Deadly Affair...
花都奇遇结良缘(港),字谜,儿戏,谜中谜 Charade...
去年夏天,夏日惊魂,忽尔昨夏,夏日痴魂 Suddenly, Last Summer...
无情人贩子,勇者无畏 Relentless...
蝙蝠 The Bat1959,蝙蝠 The Bat...
Hellcats of The Navy,海军中的悍妇,海军悍妇 Hellcats of the Navy...
玉面金刚布美人计,玉面金刚巧布美人计,美人局 Woman of Straw...
厌恶,反拨,排斥,冷血惊魂 Repulsion...
亲吻吸血鬼,吸血鬼之吻 The Kiss of the Vampire...
古堡怪客,吸血僵尸,Dracula,恐怖德古拉 Horror of Dracula...
深夜,死亡之夜 Dead of Night...
三级十字勋章,双重特工 Triple Cross...