No Compromise...
五个堕落的男女We're Not the Worst...
冲天小子国语赤子雄风 / The Path of Glory...
大话神探Sumbling Cops / Fumbling Cops...
等待黎明国语Hong Kong 1941...
癫凤狂龙Three Stooges Go Undercover...
新江湖情Godfather Returns / Clan Affairs / Flaming Romance 1925...
失业皇帝Afraid of Nothing: The Jobless King / Unemployed Emperor...
新扎师姐2:不安全地带Danger Zone...
新扎师姐3:百分百型警Some Like It Cool...
超级特警一级暗杀令 / 1级暗杀令 / Super SWAT / Murder in the First Degree...
一屋两火国语The Trouble-Makers...
一屋两火粤语The Trouble-Makers...
肝胆相照国语Sworn Brothers...
幽灵情书Yau leng ching shu...
肝胆相照粤语Sworn Brothers...
绝不放过你来去少林 / I‘ll Never Let You Off...