Fearless Match...
冲上九重天Destination - 9th Heaven...
城市炸弹City Maniac...
数码英雄Lethal Combat / Techno Warriors 2...
审死官翻案Justice My Fool...
摄氏32度摄氏三十二度 / Beyond Hypothermia...
山鸡变凤凰粤语Don't Shoot Me, I'm Just a Violinist!...
山水有相逢星光俏佳人 / The Golden Girls...
沙滩仔与周师奶专吊老千 / Royal Scoundrel...
杀手情未冷 殺手情未冷A Sympathetic Killer...
三人做世界Heart Against Hearts...
杀戮少年Youth of Killing...
三人新世界Heart Into Hearts...
清官难审Family Affairs...
叛逆卧底Death Rim...
年年有今日I Will Wait for You...
男儿当入樽Let's Go Slam Dunk...
面青青有排惊Faces of Horrid...