血红天空,血色天空,Blood Air,血色天劫 Blood Red Sky...
血疫(台),尸家禁地,血量子 Blood Quantum...
新养鬼吃人,养鬼吃人 Hellraiser...
超级变态:我的迷人男友(港),极恶人魔(台),极度邪恶,极端邪恶 Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile...
Headlock,战栗特工 Against the Clock...
阴森(中国台湾),丧钟,通行费,送终人 The Toll...
恐怖睡前故事(港),夜读惊魂 Nightbooks...
掘金 Gold2022,掘金 Gold...
异兽档案(台),怪物计划 The Monster Project...
温彻斯特鬼屋(台),Winchester: The House That Ghosts Built,Winchester Mystery House,The 13th Hour,温彻斯特 Winchester...
宿主,60分鐘招魂直播(港),夺魂连线 Host...
鬼护士(台),电源,断电惊魂 The Power...
地表惊旅 In the Earth2021,地表惊旅 In the Earth...
魔鬼的门廊 The Devil's Doorway2018,魔鬼的门廊 The Devil's Doorway...
I Saw a Man with Yellow Eyes,小雨的恐惧,恐雨 Fear of Rain...
恐惧街3:1666,恐惧大街3:1666,Fear Street Part 3: 1666,恐惧街3 Fear Street 3...
你房间有人,诡异入侵,家有访吓,你房里有人 There's Someone Inside Your House...
TA们,Whistler Camp,他们/她们 They/Them...
野猪 Boar2017,野猪 Boar...
杀戮农庄,亵渎 Desecrated...