哭泣女人的诅咒哭泣的女诡(港),哭泣的女人(台),泣妇的诅咒(豆友译名),泣妇诅咒,孩子们,The Children,The Curse of the Weeping Woman,哭泣女人的诅咒 The Curse of La Llorona...
汝掘愈深汝掘愈深 The Deeper You Dig2019,汝掘愈深 The Deeper You Dig...
爆裂兄弟The Violent Separation of Flesh and Blood,爆裂兄弟 A Violent Separation...
只属于我只有我的,只属于我 Only Mine...
土狼湖土狼湖 Coyote Lake2019,土狼湖 Coyote Lake...
痊愈索命,痊愈 Recovery...
极端邪恶超级变态:我的迷人男友(港),极恶人魔(台),极度邪恶,极端邪恶 Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile...
绑定绑定 Skin in the Game2019,绑定 Skin in the Game...
女特工双面特务(台),特工,Die Agentin,女特工 The Operative...
利用我操控,Ruin Me,毁灭我,利用我 Use Me...
断裂断线(台),曲折(港),断裂 Fractured...
森林恶鬼凶邻(港),皮行者,Hag,森林恶鬼 The Wretched...
吾即恐惧Sara’s Cell,吾即恐惧 I Am Fear...
难以置信的怪物难以置信的怪物 Impossible Monsters2019,难以置信的怪物 Impossible Monsters...
灵魂相锲灵魂相锲 Kindred Spirits2019,灵魂相锲 Kindred Spirits...
博多之子死亡无限循环,每次当我死时,博多之子 Every Time I Die...
战栗特工Headlock,战栗特工 Against the Clock...