恶魔,驱魔禁区(台),恶灵 Demonic...
断电惊魂鬼护士(台),电源,断电惊魂 The Power...
滑稽滑稽 Clownery2020,滑稽 Clownery...
老鹰旅馆之夜老鹰旅馆之夜 Night at the Eagle Inn2021,老鹰旅馆之夜 Night at the Eagle Inn...
杀手疗法杀手疗法 Killer Therapy2019,杀手疗法 Killer Therapy...
杀戮开始死亡连锁(台),Dembanger,杀戮开始 Initiation...
母亲的诅咒孕母,Welcome to the Blumhouse: Madres,母亲的诅咒 Madres...
你房里有人你房间有人,诡异入侵,家有访吓,你房里有人 There's Someone Inside Your House...
僵尸情人节死体の恋人(日本),Amante de zumbis(葡萄牙),Älskare av zombier(瑞典),Milovník zombie(捷克),僵尸情人节 Valentine DayZ/丧尸情人...
十分钟到午夜十分钟到午夜 Ten Minutes to Midnight2020,十分钟到午夜 Ten Minutes to Midnight...
尸变菌株尸变菌株 Strain 1002017,尸变菌株 Strain 100...
逃脱的女孩逃跑的女孩,Mother,逃脱的女孩 The Girl Who Got Away...
死亡凝视死亡凝视 Deadsight2018,死亡凝视 Deadsight...
吓吓朱莉Let’s Scare Julie to Death,吓吓朱莉 Let's Scare Julie...
下方的恶魔魔坑(台),The Devil Below,Sinkhole,下方的恶魔 Shookum Hills...
小心身后小心背后,小心身后 Behind You...
邪恶之眼Welcome to the Blumhouse: Evil Eye,邪恶之眼 Evil Eye...
血船血船 Blood Vessel2019,血船 Blood Vessel...
雅各布之妻雅各布之妻 Jakob's Wife2021,雅各布之妻 Jakob's Wife...
养老庄园Welcome to the Blumhouse: The Manor,养老庄园 The Manor...