Hong Kong Love Stories...
Instinct Part,笑看风云 笑看風雲...
Mythical Crane and Magical Needle,92仙鹤神针 仙鹤神针...
赌王天尊,Who’s The Winner(III),胜者为王3王者之战 胜者为王III王者之战...
Who’s The Winner II,胜者为王2天下无敌 胜者为王Ⅱ天下无敌...
日月神剑续集之圣战风云,魔煞,Mystery of the Twin Swords II,捉妖奇兵...
Fist Of Fury,精武门 精武門...
Old Time Buddy,难兄难弟 難兄難弟...
Final Combat,盖世豪侠 蓋世豪俠...
Mystery of the Twin Swords,日月神剑 日月神劍...
The Vampire Returns,大头绿衣斗僵尸 大頭綠衣鬥殭屍...
The Brink of Law...
Big Big Old World...
천녀유혼 / 同心生死约 / 玄心奥妙诀...
Fathers And Sons...
Fathers And Sons...
男大当婚 / 分岔路上的他和她 / Rear Mirror...