横冲直撞,远行他方,Going Places,耶稣摇摆 The Jesus Rolls...
The Occupation,我的名字叫莎拉 My Name Is Sara...
The Three Christs of Ypsilanti,三个基督 Three Christs...
米奇和熊 Mickey and the Bear2019,米奇和熊 Mickey and the Bear...
坏教育 Bad Education2019,坏教育 Bad Education...
官谎真相(港),瞒天机密(台),官方秘密,官方机密 Official Secrets...
蒂米·菲悟,Timmy Failure,蒂米·菲列:错已铸成 Timmy Failure: Mistakes Were Made...
地窖里的混蛋,暗箱操作,我家地下室的恶棍,地窖藏恶 I Hate the Man in My Basement...
边境上的地狱,地狱神警 Hell On The Border...
传输失败 Lost Transmissions2019,传输失败 Lost Transmissions...
宝贝童年(港),我的宝贝男孩(台),乖儿子,Stamen,宝贝男孩 Honey Boy...
小飞侠与爱丽丝: 魔幻奇缘(港),爱丽丝与梦幻岛(台),离开,分离,远走高飞 Come Away...
堕胎,未怀孕 Unpregnant...
I Am Not a Bird,我非笼鸟 Lost Girls and Love Hotels...
Meet Me In A Happy Place,她在这里 Still Here...
人生急转弯 The Swerve2018,人生急转弯 The Swerve...
魔鬼有一个名字 The Devil Has a Name2019,魔鬼有一个名字 The Devil Has a Name...
末路狂奔(台),梦乡 Dreamland...
苏格兰之王 布鲁斯一世,罗伯特·布鲁斯 Robert the Bruce...
蕾哈娜内衣秀 Savage X Fenty Show2019,蕾哈娜内衣秀 Savage X Fenty Show...