Love cruise / Chasing Girls 2: Ambition of Paparazzi...
抢钱夫妻(粤语)Always On My Mind...
龙凤店(粤语)Adventure of The King...
警察扒手两家亲Family Day...
戏王之王2007Simlpy Actors...
出水芙蓉国语The Fantastic Water Babes...
出水芙蓉粤语The Fantastic Water Babes...
有情饮水饱Love Me, Love My Money...
少林活宝贝Two Shaolin Kids in Hong Kong...
大话神探Sumbling Cops / Fumbling Cops...
癫凤狂龙Three Stooges Go Undercover...
失业皇帝Afraid of Nothing: The Jobless King / Unemployed Emperor...
一屋两火国语The Trouble-Makers...
一屋两火粤语The Trouble-Makers...
绝不放过你来去少林 / I‘ll Never Let You Off...
财叔之横扫千军(粤语)横扫天下(台) / The Raid...
赌圣3:无名小子My Name Is Nobody...
运财童子狂赌一族出头天 / Beginner's Luck...
撞板风流Naughty Couple...
情迷大话王粤语Everyday is Valentine...