唐山大兄粤语Fists of Glory / The Big Boss...
爆烈之城blade dancer...
少林三十六房粤语The 36th Chamber of Shaolin...
张三丰2太极天师张三丰之万兽无疆 / 张三丰2万兽无疆...
南少林与北少林粤语Invincible Shaolin...
龙虎地头蛇The Big Fellow / 侠义大汉...
流星蝴蝶剑粤语Killer Clans...
冷血十三鹰粤语The Avenging Eagle...
黑三角Three Black Triangles / 黑三角的秘密...
无间行者之生死潜行无间行者 / The Infernal Walker...
洪拳小子粤语Disciples Of Shaolin...
洪熙官洪熙官与洪文定 / 洪熙官父子报血仇 / Shaolin Executioners / Executioners of Death...
火烧少林寺The Blazing Temple...
金毛狮王The Golden Lion...
酒仙十八跌国语World of the Drunken Master / Drunken Dragon / The World of Drunken Master / 酒仙大醉龙...
鬼流星神龙血掌 / The Comet Strikes...
侠路相逢夺宝七日 / Father and Hero...
多情剑客无情剑国语The Sentimental Swordsman...